Vision and Values
Back‘We help our students to become the best version of themselves in order to serve others.’
At Wyvern St Edmund’s our vision for our students is that they will aspire to be the best version of themselves. They achieve this through academic excellence and making a positive contribution as well rounded, responsible citizens.
Our vision is rooted in Christian beliefs and values whereby we expect our students to use their developing gifts, talents and character to serve others in the local community and beyond.
‘Each one of you has a special gift from God. Use it to serve others well.’ 1 Peter 4:10
This verse is the Christian foundation of our vision, through God’s love we are gifted the capacity to serve others and continually aim to be the best version of ourselves that we can be.
As a Church of England School we embrace the Church of England vision for young people, a vision of ‘human flourishing for all’, of a life lived in all its fullness (John 10:10).
Our vision is enacted by way of every member of staff, whatever their role, working to safeguard the wellbeing of our students and to maximise their progress and potential. Of equal importance for us is their personal and spiritual growth; self-discipline and the self-discovery of their passions and God-given talents. Every member of our school is treated with dignity and respect and is shown care and consideration.
Our core values
Generosity – Respect – Aspiration- Courage - Empathy
At WSE our core values support our vision of unlocking the gifts and talents in our students. They each have a theological foundation and provide our charter for living well as a community.
Our core values are our lived reality; informing all decisions; evident in all our interactions; shaping the daily life of our school community.
Our values provide us with a means to become the best version of ourselves through God’s Grace which has given us the capacity to serve others.
Generosity: we put others first, ready to show kindness for the good of the other person.
Through this we can live in harmony with each other.
Respect: we treat others as we expect to be treated with dignity and take care of our environment.
Through this we can all flourish.
Aspiration: we aim to excel in all we do, to let our light shine.
Through this we become the best version of ourselves.
Courage: we are prepared to make the difficult choices and challenge injustice and inequality.
Through this we build a fairer community.
Empathy: we are kind hearted, humble and compassionate, ready to listen without judgement.
Through this we create a safe, supportive, and caring community.