
Reporting your Child Absent

Information on how to report your child absent is provided on the below webpage.

Reporting your Child Absent

Guidance on Attendance

Why does school attendance matter?

Research shows that absence from school can have a significant impact on children’s learning and social development. Children who miss a substantial amount of school fall behind their peers, and struggle to catch up. Most of the work they miss is never made up, which can lead to big gaps in learning.

A pattern of poor attendance can start early, and children who fall into this pattern risk underachievement at secondary school.

Our aim for good attendance is 97% for each student (3 days off school in a year). We understand that students may be too ill to come into school at times.  Persistent absence, which is a government term, is less than 90% attendance (20 days off school in a year).  All research shows that students who attend school achieve higher GCSE grades than if they hadn’t. 

Friendships can also be affected by persistent absence.  Forming and maintaining good relationships with classmates and friends is a protective factor for emotional resilience in our students.

Please find below some useful information

Supporting your child's attendance


Is my child too ill for school: NHS advice 

If you have any questions then please contact us at school. In the first instance for any concerns please contact your child’s form tutor.  They will either be able to answer your query or direct you to the most appropriate contact in school.

Leave of Absence

There is no entitlement in law to time off in term time (leave of absence).  Wyvern St Edmund’s will not authorise leave of absence in term time, unless there are exceptional circumstances.  

Should a parent/carer wish to apply for leave of absence they are required to complete the Leave of Absence (LoA) Request Form which is available below.

Leave of Absence Request Form

A decision will be made in writing at the earliest opportunity.

Education Welfare Officer

Please see below a document from our Education Welfare Officer, Caroline Holt.

How to avoid meeting me by Caroline Holt, Education Welfare Officer, Wiltshire Council

Attendance Policy 2024 - 2025

Attendance Policy 2024 - 2025