From September 2018 until September 2022, Wyvern College and St Edmund's Girls' School remained legally two separate schools whilst operating as one colocated school, and so we have separate Ofsted reports for both schools. Both schools have been rated as 'Good' schools. Please expand the sections below to learn more about the report findings.
In Septmember 2022 Wyvern St Edmund's Academy opened as one Church school and will be subject to one Ofsted Inspection in the next cycle of inspections.
Our OFSTED Inspections in January 2020 judged our Academy as ‘Good’ in every category, under the very challenging parameters of the new framework.
This was a one day Section 8 inspection which is a standard process for all schools who were judged to be ‘good’ at their last inspection.The full report is available to download below. The report noted that:
- ‘The move to combine Wyvern College with St Edmund’s School has widened the curriculum available to students…An effectively planned curriculum means that students are learning well’
- ‘Students feel well cared for and know that there is always someone to whom they can go if they have a problem.’
- ‘Students personal development has a very high priority in the school. Threaded through lessons, personal development days, tutor periods, assemblies and after-school activities, students learn how to keep themselves safe and become creative, caring and collaborative individuals.’
Parent Views:
- ‘..the leadership team have done an incredible job in creating the learning campus. I have huge respect for their drive, commitment and dedication.’
- ‘My son has blossomed at Wyvern, he loves it very much.’
Ofsted’s Parent View website gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about Wyvern College, from the quality of teaching to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. The survey can be completed at any time; you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected. Follow this link to register and complete the Parent View survey.
Our OFSTED inspection in February 2018 judged our Academy as ‘Good’. This was a one day Section 8 inspection which is a standard process for all schools who were judged to be ‘good’ at their last inspection.
The report noted that:
- The school leadership team has “…clarity of vision and a relentless drive to raise standards”.
- “The Christian ethos permeates the work of the school…a very inclusive attitude” is evident.
- The safeguarding of students is “strong”.
- The additional focus we have had on the progress of disadvantaged students (those who receive the pupil premium grant), students with special educational needs and also, the most able students has had a positive impact.
The full report which is in the form of a letter addressed to the Headteacher can be found here:
Ofsted’s Parent View website gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about St Edmund’s, from the quality of teaching to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. The survey can be completed at any time; you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected. Follow this link to register and complete the Parent View survey.