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- Admissions
Welcome to Wyvern St Edmund’s. On this page, you will find information relating to admissions. This will mean either that your child is moving from Year 6 to Year 7 or that they are moving secondary schools during the school year.
An information booklet for new students, parents and carers is available below along with further information on this website page.
WSE Information Booklet for New Students, Parents and Carers
Choosing your child’s secondary school is a big decision and one that lasts a lifetime! We want to make sure that both the decision making process and then your child starting at the school is as straightforward and as welcoming as possible.
Mrs Lodge, our Admissions Officer, deals with all admission enquiries (email address provided below).
Summer Term Year 5 /Autumn Term Year 6 - choosing your secondary school
Moving from primary school to secondary school is exciting but can also be a source of worry for some. We will do everything we can to make sure that you and your child feel fully supported throughout the whole process.
We will be delighted to show you our school through Year 5 taster and open days. More details will follow in due course.
Typically there is a meet the Headteacher evening during Term 1 Year 6. This is usually a ticketed event and further details will be published nearer the time.
We trust that you can then make an informed decision and be confident that you have chosen the correct school for your child.
Applying for a school place if your child is in Year 6
You can apply for a school place for your child by completing either the online form or by completing a paper copy Wiltshire Council Admissions. The deadline for this form is the last day of October. On the form you will see that you have to choose three schools giving a first, second and third choice. Wiltshire Council Admissions then collate all these forms and sort them based on a child’s eligibility. Many do get their first choice but it does mean that some will get their second or third choices.
Vulnerable Child and Faith Applications -
If you wish your application for a school place to be considered against the ‘Vulnerable Child’ or ‘Faith’ criteria please ensure you submit all related evidence by the application deadline (31st October). Any evidence received after this date will not be considered. Further information can be found in the relevant year’s Admission Arrangements.
March 3rd is national offer day;
- Letters are posted to all parents/carers who applied by the 31st October deadline offering them a place at one school
- Parents/carers who apply online will be able to log back on to the online system on national offer day to view the outcome of their application
- You will require your username and password which was created at the time of application.
- It is important that you keep these details safe as our school admissions team are not able to send duplicate emails to you confirming these details.
- You will also receive confirmation of the offer by letter.
For those that did not get their preferred school, there is an appeals process. Parents/carers who wish to appeal would need to fill out the MLP Secondary Admission Appeal Form which can be found here. Further information can be found here.
Shortly after receiving your offer letter, you will be in receipt of a welcome letter from the Headteacher. You will also receive log in details which will take you to our automated admission system for you to compelte our admission form for your child. Please contact Mrs Lodge if you are unsure with any parts of the process.
School Admissions Policy 2024-25
Supplementary Information Form 2024-25School Admissions Policy 2025-26Supplementary Information Form 2025-26School Admissions Policy 2026-27Supplementary Information Form 2026-27Year 6 into Year 7 for September
Our transition team oversee students moving from Year 6 to Year 7. We will be working hard to make sure that you and your child are well informed and can be confident of a settled start in September.
Your child will be allocated a Modern Foreign Language from French, German or Spanish.
Links to further information for Year 6 students joining us in September are provided below.
Information regarding transport is available via Salisbury Reds and the Wiltshire Council Transport Service, links to their websites are provided below.
Salisbury RedsWiltshire Council Transport
Applying for a school place if your child is moving secondary schools (In-Year Admission)
If you are considering an in-year admission please phone Mrs Lodge in the first instance, who will be able to guide you through the admissions process.
To apply for an in year place please complete the In Year Transfer form below (and Supplementary Information Form (SIF), if applicable. Available from the Relevant Documents section). Please return all forms to the Admissions email address (hard copies are available on request). Applicants will be considered in line with the determined Admission Policy.
Vulnerable Child and Faith Applications
‘If you wish your application for a school place to be considered against the ‘Vulnerable Child’ or ‘Faith’ criteria please ensure you submit all related evidence by the application deadline (31st October). Any evidence received after this date will not be considered. Further information can be found in the relevant year’s Admission Arrangements.’
The Trust aims to respond to in year admission requests within 10 school days (maximum time to respond is 15 school days).
Where the School has no spaces available, because the admission of another child would prejudice the efficient education of others at the School or would prejudice the efficient use of resources, the application will be refused. Your child will be automatically added to our waiting list for their Year Group which is ranked in accordance with our Admissions Policy. The appeals process is detailed below.
The school works with other Salisbury schools through a fair access arrangement. This may apply to your child.
Other Information
Wyvern St Edmund’s maintain their own waiting lists for all year group cohorts once the application process has been completed. If any places become available at our school in the relevant cohort, applicants will be considered as outlined in the school’s Admissions policy.