

Our School’s Academy Governance Committee (AGC)

Wyvern St Edmund’s has an Academy Governance Committee (AGC) which provides focused governance.  The Chair of the AGC is Andy Ritchie. To contact the AGC Clerk, please email:

Please click here for MLP Governance Diversity Data

The Academy Governance Committee is a constituent part of the wider governance structure of the Magna Learning Partnership (MLP).  For more information about the governance of MLP please click here.


The Governors of Wyvern St Edmund’s AGC and their declaration of interests summary can be viewed below

WSE Academy Governance Committee Details

MLP Governance Framework and Scheme of Delegation


The MLP Scheme of Delegation can be viewed above.

To view the latest financial information about MLP click here.  This link will take you through to the MLP Key Information page.

Minutes of AGC meeting are available by request, from the AGC Clerk.

MLP Governance

MLP Annual Report and Accounts