Year 9 Curriculum Choices 2025

Year 9 students now get to have their say about the subjects they wish to study throughout Years 10 and 11. We have made some changes for this year and there are some brand new courses so parents and students should read the materials carefully, especially if older siblings have gone through this process before. 

As you would expect, all students continue to study English, Maths and Science. In addition, we now ask them to choose three further qualifications known as 'options'. For the first time as this school the list of optional subjects includes Religious Studies GCSE, although please note that all students will continue to study aspects of Religious Education. This core RE offer works alongside Personal, Social and Health Education as well as PE to support students' personal development, health and wellbeing. Neither core PE nor PSHE lead to a qualification, but they are an important part of our work with students preparing them for life beyond WSE.  In RE students will achieve the Archbishop’s Award a valuable qualification to have on your CV without the stresses of a full GCSE. 

Full details can be found in the 'Choosing your Options' booklet which is linked below, and a further explanation of the process can be found in the below video.

Choosing your Options Booklet 2025-27

Options Information Video

Unifrog also has some excellent advice and videos, please use the link below.


The deadline for making choices is 31st January 2025. Choices should be using the online form below, for many of you this will be the easiest way.  There is a paper copy which can be returned to student reception if you struggle to use the online version.

Options Online FormIf you have any questions about the options process please contact Mr Adams (Assistant Headteacher in charge of options).  However, most of the time students who are not sure what to pick should talk to their form tutor, subject teachers or pastoral staff who know them best. We look forward to supporting students through this process and are ready to help with making decisions.