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Uniform Detail
Wyvern St Edmund’s full uniform detail
The Wyvern St Edmund’s uniform consists of:
- Black blazer with the Wyvern St Edmund's logo on the top left pocket. This can remain at home in the summer term.
- Charcoal (dark) grey, wide-pleated skirt. Skirts must be of a reasonable length, just above the knee. The skirt must not be rolled up.
- OR tailored trousers (charcoal or black) or tailored shorts (charcoal). Trousers must be smart and tailored.
- White collared shirt. Long or short sleeved shirts are acceptable. All white collared shirts must have a top button and be capable of being worn with the school tie, therefore blouse-style open necked shirts and polo shirts cannot be worn.
- Wyvern St Edmund's striped tie. Prefects are provided with a different tie.
- Socks: Should be plain black, dark grey or white.
- Tights: Must be plain black or natural skin colour.
- Optional uniform items include a dark grey v-neck jumper.
- In the summer term students can choose to wear a plain white polo shirt instead of a shirt and tie.
Correct footwear
Must be black only and smart. Fully black trainer style shoes will be accepted (such as Air Force 1) provided there is no additional colour.
Incorrect footwear
What is not permitted?
- Leggings or footless tights
- Trousers cannot be made from Lycra or stretch fabric
- Sandals, sliders, crocs, canvas sports trainers, boots, including ankle boots
- Hooded sweatshirts
- Fluffy socks
- Socks worn over tights
What happens if I wear clothing not permitted?
- During tutor time a student will be expected to change into borrowed uniform or shoes if we have the size available. If this is not possible, parents will be contacted to collect a student and bring them back to school in the correct uniform.
- The school will work with parents that are trying hard to replace clothing or shoes. It is important that parents inform us.
- Students persistently choosing not to wear the correct uniform will be sanctioned in line with WSE’s behaviour policy.
Outerwear: Coats or jackets must be plain, without large logos, smart and fit for purpose. No denim or leather jackets.
The following items can only be purchased from the school uniform supplier, Price & Buckland:
- Wyvern St Edmund's tie
- Wyvern St Edmund's blazer OR Wyvern St Edmund's sew on badge (which can be sewn on to the top left breast pocket of a black blazer purchased elsewhere with black thread only)
Visit Price and Buckland Uniform Website
Our online uniform stockist offers blazers, skirts, trousers, shirts and shorts, however, these are also available to buy from a range of shops and supermarkets.
P.E. / Dance Kit | |
Compulsory item that must only be purchased from the school uniform supplier, SWI School Wear: |
Sky blue polo shirt with the Wyvern St Edmund's logo |
Compulsory items, which can be sourced from any retailer or can be purchased directly from our P.E. kit stockist: |
- Navy SPORTS leggings OR plain navy tracksuit bottoms No big logos or writing down the leg please. A small logo e.g. a Nike tick, Adidas stripes or Puma logo is ok) – if wearing leggings, they must be sports leggings please
Please note no hooded jumpers or round neck jumpers are allowed. |
Optional items |
- Plain navy thermal bottoms - Plain navy or white base layer top -Plain navy waterproof sport jacket or waterproof pac-a-mac for P.E. in the rain |
- Students may wear a watch, a cross or St Christopher on a fine chain (or another religious symbol).
- Up to two pairs of small studs or small hoops for pierced ears no bigger than 14mm - this can be in lobes or upper ear. Hoops must be removed for PE.
- Eyebrow studs, tongue studs,or body piercing jewellery are not allowed.
- Nose piercings are allowed but students should wear a plastic retainers whilst in school. All body jewellery must be removed; covering them with plasters is not acceptable.
- No rings are permitted.
Careful consideration should be given to the timing of getting piercings.
- Long hair should be tied back for health and safety reasons in practical lessons.
- No extremes of hair style or fashion are acceptable, nor cutting below a number 2 grade.
- If hair is dyed, it must be dyed a natural hair colour.
- The discreet use of make-up is allowed in Years 10 and 11 (no coloured eyeshadow or lipstick/gloss, no heavy eyeliner or eyebrow makeup).
- The wearing of natural coloured nail varnish and acrylic nails is allowed but nails should be a reasonable length, no extreme lengths for health and safety reasons.
Baseball caps, hats and hoods are not allowed to be worn inside the school buildings and must be removed upon entry to indoor spaces.